The information policy of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange is based on the following principles:
BCSE provides all interested persons with the same opportunity to exercise their rights to receive information in the scope and form established by the legislation, the BCSE Charter and local legal acts, excluding the preferential satisfaction by BCSE of interests of some users of information over others (the principle of equality);
BCSE informs interested parties as soon as possible about significant events and facts affecting their interests and the BCSE activities (the principle of efficiency);
BCSE provides sufficient information to form an objective opinion of interested parties on the issue (the principle of completeness);
BCSE provides interested parties with information that corresponds to reality, and takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the distributed information is fair (the principle of reliability);
BCSE provides interested parties with a free and easy access to information (the principle of accessibility);
BCSE discloses information periodically and within the time limits established by law, and in the absence of such requirements - within a reasonable time to ensure timely adoption of economic decisions by interested users, as well as on a regular basis provides interested parties with information about its activities, significant events and facts affecting their interests (the principle of timeliness and regularity);
BCSE proceeds from a reasonable balance of openness and transparency on the one hand, and confidentiality on the other. This makes it possible to maximize the rights of interested parties to receive information, subject to the protection of confidential and other legally protected information (the principle of balance);
BCSE applies legally acceptable methods and means of protecting confidential information and other legally protected information. BCSE monitors the proper use of insider information (the principle of safety and security);
BCSE ensures a clear distribution of powers of its officials and (or) structural divisions for the dissemination and (or) provision of information in accordance with their professional competencies (the principle of regulation of powers).