Trading mode |
Mode description |
Order-input kinds |
Settlement codes used in this mode |
Continuous double auction |
A trading mechanism of continuous matching of orders for buy and sell. Trades are executed whenever the price of bids and asks is matched |
Participant offers to buy securities at not more, or to sell at not less, than a specific price. Trading system verifies if there are unfulfilled orders in queue for selling/buying, the price of which is less/more or equal to the processed one. If there are such orders, a processed order is matched with the first order in queue until such orders come in or until it is completely satisfied.
S-T+n - settlements are carried out in the settlements and clearing system through established period "n" |
Negotiated deals |
Trades are executed between participants on a "two-sided orders" base |
Two-sided orders are executed and transactions are concluded in the trading system when the following details of both two-sided counterbids are matched:
NS - settlements are carried out directly between parties |
Professional consulting:
Operational Department
mail: 48a, Surganova str., Minsk, 220013 BELARUS