BCSE provides legal entities (companies) and banks with a universal platform for concluding deposit transactions.
Deposit auctions are initiated by legal entities (companies) that intent to allocate monetary resources under the most favourable conditions.
The initiator of an auction can announce in advance not only the basic conditions of the future deposit agreement (deposit term, minimum interest rate, deposit amount, etc.), but also formulate other additional parameters. A bank with which a legal entity enters into a bank deposit agreement is determined upon auction results taking into account the maximum proposed interest rate. Upon auction termination, a transaction is concluded between the initiator and the bank, a protocol on the auction results containing all transaction terms, having the same power as a deposit agreement, is signed. Deposit auctions are conducted using an online electronic trading system and provide all banks of the Republic of Belarus with the possibility to participate in the auction of at the same time.
The trading technology provides customers with remote participation in deposit auctions and with working places located at the BCSE premises. The trading system is adapted to the use of electronic document flow.